Cozy Cottage Infant Educare
a partnered approach to childcare
Cozy Cottage Infant Educare
a partnered approach to childcare
What is Educare?
Educaring is a child development philosophy co-founded by Magda Gerber (1910-2007), a Hungarian-born early childhood educator who co-founded the non-profit Resources for Infant Educarers (RIE)®.RIE's mission is to improve the lives of infants and very young children through respectful care...Educare. Gerber believed that babies are whole, competent beings from birth and should be treated as such.
While I am not professionally associated with the RIE group, the philosophy is the general basis behind my infant care approach here at Cozy Cottage.
The basic principles of the RIE approach are:
• Basic trust in the child to be an initiator, an explorer, and a self-learner
• An environment that is safe, challenging and emotionally nurturing
• Time for uninterrupted play
• Freedom to explore and interact with other infants
• Involving the child in care-giving activities, allowing him to be an active participant, not a passive recipient
• Sensitive observation of the child in order to understand his/her needs
• Consistency and clearly defined limits and expectations to develop discipline
The basis of the Educaring approach : Respect
Respect is the basis of the Educaring® Approach. Educarers demonstrate respect for infants every time they interact with them, without spoiling. Respecting a child means treating even the youngest infant as a unique human being, not as an object.
The goal of this approach : An authentic child
An authentic child is one who feels secure, autonomous, competent, and connected. Educarers help a child to feel secure, appreciated, and that “somebody is deeply, truly interested in me” by the way they look at, listen to, and interact with children. Educarers thereby influence that child’s whole personality, and the way that child sees and experiences life. Authentic children are generally happier, healthier, less whiny, less clingy and able to engage themselves in independent activities for longer periods of time. They are emotionally ready for new experiences of their choosing.
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